
Gig Economy

We're excited to announce that SimplrFlex has been named as one of Glassdoor's Best Places to Work for 2021! Unlike other awards, there is no self-nomination or application process. Instead, it’s entirely based on the feedback our employees have voluntarily and anonymously shared on Glassdoor. To determine the winners of the awards, Glassdoor evaluates all company reviews shared by our Experts over the past year. Our entire team works very hard to ensure that our global network of Experts enjoys the work they do each day, and nothing validates our efforts more than hearing about the positive impact we've been able to have on their lives. Special thanks to the entire team, including our Experts, vendors, and clients, for helping us build such a fantastic company. We're excited about 2021 and all of the continued work to ensure we make this list again in 2022.

SimplrFlex was founded to do things differently. We wanted to provide a radically new alternative to the traditional customer service organization. In the midst of a society that’s still struggling with inequality, I wanted to take a moment to discuss how SimplrFlex works to provide equal opportunity to all of our applicants/Experts and reaffirm our commitment to continuing these practices. For our applicants: We offer access to the platform based on skill (the ability to connect with and help a customer)

The work from home routine is not a foreign concept to our SimplrFlex Experts; however, to millions of Americans, this is a new reality that requires some major acclimation. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic currently sweeping across the nation, the confines of our homes are the new offices, schools, and just about everything else for the foreseeable future. Families across the country are now adjusting to the new normal: sharing workspaces with their spouses and children all day, every day. While these unusual circumstances can create some cute moments, being stuck at home with the whole family during an anything-but-normal workweek can deal a severe blow to your efficiency and focus when working from home. In this post, we will share some advice on how to handle the new dynamics at home. Topics covered include staying focused, creating a plan, staying sane, and controlling your spending. Create a schedule for everyone and stick to it Our routines ruled our daily lives before COVID-19, and they are a necessity for productivity, especially when working around spouses or children that aren't usually there and have daily routines entirely different from your own. Make a plan for your workweek that is flexible, but intentional. Just like working from home in a pandemic-free reality, it's smart to schedule specific work and break periods. Schedules don't need to be tedious or complicated; simply designating time for work and breaks will allow you to focus when needed. Spending your break-time on an activity or chore you enjoy will allow you to maximize your time and encourage productivity once you return to work. Mimicking your pre-quarantine habits will bring you closer to your average level of focus and efficiency. Routines also bring a sense of security to our children's lives, and a personalized daily checklist can make this transition period more natural and structured

Women are increasingly turning to the gig economy to make a living Women have historically faced career-altering events that often do not impact men equally. Having a baby in a “traditional” job can have a significant impact on career trajectories, morale and ability to find a sustainable work/life balance. Prenatal appointments, maternity leave, nursing, and finding childcare can further complicate employment in a full-time position. Other more glaring issues such as the gender pay gap have also affected women unequally.  However, with the recent rise of the gig economy, there are now countless opportunities for women to earn income and not have to sacrifice the time and flexibility that a traditional full-time role might require them to give up.  Why the rise of the gig economy is good for women In a recent survey of 2,000 women working in the gig economy, the three most popular benefits of these roles included flexible hours, control over earning potential, and more personal time.  These results ring true here at SimplrFlex, according to two of our Experts: As a mother of 3, SimplrFlex has provided so many benefits for my family and me. The biggest benefit is that I'm able to still put my family first while also helping to provide for them. Being able to always be here for my children and not have to worry about being fired if I miss work due to a sick child or doctor's appointment is huge! I'm able to work as much or as little as I choose, but with this, I'm also not leaving all of the financial weight on my husband. We are able to work together as a team to provide for our children. With SimplrFlex, I've been able to gain back my financial independence. I'm a work-from-home mom, and there's no other company I'd rather be a

What is Open Enrollment? Open Enrollment is the period each year when anyone who needs to purchase their own health insurance plan can compare and enroll in plans for the upcoming year. You will need to purchase your own health insurance if you don't already have coverage from an employer, a spouse or parent's employer, TRICARE, the VA, or Medicare. When is Open Enrollment? November 1st marked the first day of open enrollment for 2020, and most Americans have until December 15th to enroll in a health insurance benefits plan. Selected coverage will take effect, in most cases, on January 1, 2020. Why is Open Enrollment important? The most important takeaway for independent contractors is that they must enroll during this period. Enrolling outside of this period is only possible if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. Special Enrollment Periods are only available when experiencing an event such as getting married, losing coverage, having or adopting a child, or moving to a new state. How do I get started? Open Enrollment can be a confusing time for independent contractors due to the ambiguity surrounding workplace benefits in non-traditional work settings.  To assist our Experts with this important process, we've teamed up with Catch. Catch makes it easy to find and enroll in health insurance plans that work best for you. You'll have access to all of the plans on the marketplace, and Catch will help you get the tax credits and subsidies you qualify for.  Catch also helps users set up and manage tax withholding, saving for vacation and sick days, and planning for retirement. Get started today at catch.co/simplrflex.  You can also learn more about enrollment at https://www.healthcare.gov.

Many work from home jobs can become a bit boring and isolating. You often miss out on the adult interaction you'd normally have with coworkers. But, not at SimplrFlex. We have a growing community where our Experts interact with one another, provide suggestions on how we can improve SimplrFlex, and participate in events such as our first Halloween Costume Contest. Our Experts also get to engage in interesting and satisfy work. Because they handle customer support inquiries for a variety of companies, each day holds new and interesting challenges. Interested? Learn more about SimplrFlex on our website.

Military Spouses face extreme difficulties in finding gainful employment. A 2017 study found that the unemployment rate for active-duty military spouses is as high as 24%. While the reasons behind the difficulty can vary, much of it comes down to employers who are rigid in their expectations. SimplrFlex is proud to provide flexible earning opportunities to military spouses stationed all over the world. As a SimplrFlex Expert, military spouses set their own hours allowing them to work around timezone differences, family activities, and daily life. Erin, a military spouse based out of Hawaii, enjoys earning extra money and helping customers in her spare time. Working for SimplrFlex has been such a blessing for my family! As a Military Spouse, it is not always easy to find a job or reliable childcare. This is the perfect opportunity, I can log on to the platform and answer tickets whenever I have time, day or night! The extra income has really been nice, especially with having three growing boys! -Erin Interested in becoming an Expert? Learn more and apply today at SimplrFlex.com.