SimplrFlex connects Experts, like you, with businesses who need assistance with their customer service. When one of their customers asks a question, you answer it on their behalf and get paid for every resolution…all from the comfort of your home.
Our platform even helps you find the right answer by providing Experts with AI-generated suggestions and access to a company’s internal tools. With these resources, you can skip the weeks of training a typical customer service representative would require to become productive. It also allows you to choose when, where, and how much you’d like to work since you’re always provided with the most recent and relevant information.
The process to become an Expert is easy and straight-forward!

1) Register
30 Minutes
Take a minute to tell us about yourself and why you’re excited to become a SimplrFlex Expert!

2) Test Tickets
60 Minutes
Answer 10 test tickets to demonstrate your skills and capabilities.

3) Relax
1-10 Business Days
We’ll review your application and assessments to make sure SimplrFlex is the right fit for you.

4) Legal Stuff
1-10 Business Days
If everything looks good, we’ll invite you to sign our Terms of Service and complete a background check.

5) Earn Money!
Answer tickets on the SimplrFlex platform and earn money in your spare time.
Did we mention that it's free?
That's right; SimplrFlex will never charge you application or startup fees! We even cover the cost of your background check.

“Working with SimplrFlex has been a life-changing experience for me. Having the ability to control my own work schedule is beyond valuable to me as a mother, and the extra income that I’ve been able to generate has completely transformed my quality of life. I will forever be grateful to SimplrFlex for this incredible opportunity!”
– Alyson